China Chinese Wolfberry - China Supplier
China Chinese Wolfberry - China Supplier

Chinese Wolfberry

Price:$5.00 /kg
Industry Category: Food-Beverage/Fruit-Products/Dried-Fruit
Product Category:
Brand: Hebei QianGang Biotech

Contact Info
  • Add:Room B-2721, Binjiang Business Bld, No.158, Zhongshan East Rd, Zip: 050000
  • Contact: Minghui Wu
  • Tel:86-311-83952384

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The following are the benefits of eating dice that can be brought to health.

It promotes the body's secretion of growth hormone, which is a hormone that promotes young. Therefore, Chinese Wolfberrys are thought to have the effect of accelerating healing, improving sleep quality, restoring libido and reducing body fat.

Hazelnuts contain polysaccharides and antioxidants that are effective against free radical damage and therefore have the effect of delaying aging and preventing disease.

The Chinese Wolfberry helps to lose weight. This fruit has been shown to contain polysaccharides that can replace fat energy.

This fruit has the effect of refreshing and increasing durability, which can effectively reduce fatigue. It is known that the consumption of tweezers helps to help a specific patient recover.

Chinese Wolfberry has the effect of promoting memory. It contains betaine, which can be converted to choline in the body. Choline is a substance that helps improve and strengthen memory.

As can be seen from the benefits of Chinese Wolfberry, regular consumption of this fruit is a good start to a healthy life.




Its health benefits include improving the vision of the consumer, helping to maintain hair color, and avoiding white hair caused by malnutrition. Chinese Wolfberry is a source of food that enhances male sexual desire. It also has the effect of avoiding mood swings, anxiety, depression, or sadness. Tweezers can help improve sleep quality, especially for people with insomnia, so it has the effect of relaxing the brain.

More and more people choose to eat lice because it is the perfect food source to keep your body's normal blood sugar levels and avoid diseases




It is a kind of herbal medicine with a long history of medicinal use in China. In addition to its specific healing effect, it is also good for promoting overall health. It is considered to be a powerful alternative to drugs that can be used to treat a variety of diseases. Although not undergoing rigorous clinical trials, it is considered an excellent health supplement in many countries.

Strong teeth and bones: The sputum contains a lot of calcium and therefore promotes bone and tooth health. It also helps protect body tissues from injury or illness.

Increased vitamin intake: The riboflavin contained in sputum can help the body better absorb various vitamins and minerals. In addition, the breakdown of these vitamins into usable human enzymes and delivery into the bloodstream also requires the help of this nutrient.

Promotes immunity: Radon is a powerful antioxidant that protects against free radical damage and boosts immunity. In addition, it helps to excrete toxins from the body system, thus preventing disease.

Eye health: You can help strengthen your vision. Provides eye protection by reducing stress levels and promoting recovery.

Industry Category Food-Beverage/Fruit-Products/Dried-Fruit
Product Category
Brand: Hebei QianGang Biotech
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