About Us
Contact Supplier

james hua
Company Profile

SLEO CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. is a professional and esteemed manufacturer of construction chemicals and related products, including Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC), Redispersible Polymer Powder (RDP), Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA), Superplasticizer(SP's) and Hydroxypropyl Starch Ether (HPS) etc.
Contact Information
- Address:14/F, Block 3, Hisense Longao No.9 Building, 909 N
- Postcode:250000
- Telephone: 18560069377
- Emaill: info@sleochem.com
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com//China-Suppliers/11491-142007
- Contact Person:james hua
(Mobile Phone:) - Website:http://www.sleochem.com