About Us
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Company Profile

Ninesun magnetic materials established in 1991 to manufacture magnetic assemblies, the needs for multi-products that were capable of achieving necessary characteristics in a variety of assemblies.
Our experience with these techniques and capabilities earned us a reputation, the assemblies we produced are preferred by many companies in telecommunications, instruments, sensors, motors and many metalworking industries.
To ensure continued conformance with the quality demanded by today's competitive environment, Yuxiang Magnetic Materials has invested in personnel, training, equipment and quality control programs to meet our customers' requirements.
These processes produce accessory for such critical applications as magnetic stand, magnetic chuck, pot magnets, ring magnets for rotator, etc.
Contact Information
- Address:jinyuan buliding
- Postcode:361000
- Telephone: 15160033513
- Emaill: 4041158@qq.com
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com//China-Suppliers/11704-174010
- Contact Person:joie liu
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