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Company Profile

General projects: daily ceramic products manufacturing; Sales of non-metallic minerals and products; Retail of kitchenware and household goods; Furniture manufacturing; Furniture parts sales; Tea set sales; Manufacture of arts and crafts and ceremonial articles (except ivory and its products); Retail of arts and crafts and collectibles (except ivory and its products); Cement products manufacturing; Cement products sales; Bamboo products manufacturing; Bamboo products sales; Manufacture of daily wood products; Daily sales of wood products; Nonferrous metal alloy manufacturing; Sales of metal chains and other metal products; Engineering plastics and synthetic resin sales; Sales of plastic products; Paper product manufacturing; Paper products sales; Lime and gypsum sales; Household goods manufacturing; Sales of household goods; Sales of household appliances; Office supplies sales; Internet sales (except sales of goods that require permission). (Except for projects subject to approval according to law, independently carry out business activities according to law with business licenses)
Contact Information
- Address:
- Postcode:
- Telephone: 13515033502
- Emaill: - -
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com//China-Suppliers/12836-171648
- Contact Person:Kou Jinhong
(Mobile Phone:) - Website: