![China Papermaking felt - China Supplier China Papermaking felt - China Supplier](https://img-i-album.toocle.com/0-0/2019/06/28/0a/5d15f5a45810a.jpg)
![China Papermaking felt - China Supplier China Papermaking felt - China Supplier](https://img-i-album.toocle.com/0-0/2019/06/28/0a/5d15f5a45810a.jpg)
Papermaking felt
Price:$FOB 30 usd
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Additional Information
Papermaking felt are durable products that go through a roll press along with paper to remove water from the wet web by absorbing the water without damaging the sheet.
Industry Category | Paper/Paper-Paper-Products |
Product Category | |
Brand: | HUATAO-03 |
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