China DGD1201 Cans Filling and Seaming Machine - China Supplier
China DGD1201 Cans Filling and Seaming Machine - China Supplier China DGD1201 Cans Filling and Seaming Machine - China Supplier China DGD1201 Cans Filling and Seaming Machine - China Supplier

DGD1201 Cans Filling and Seaming Machine

Industry Category: Machinery/Motor-Accessories/Other-Motor-Accessories
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Contact Info
  • Add:NO.61 Xinchi Road, Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, Zip: 316100
  • Contact: zjweichi
  • Tel:8618588665504

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Product Details

This machine is used to seam the beer and other carbonated beverage after it is filled. The capacity is 25 – 45 cans/min can filling and seaming machine

The machine is divided into two parts - filling and can sealing. The filling part adopts isobaric filling method. In order to prevent the volatilization of CO2 in the liquid, the temperature is around 4℃; The sealing part adopts a double - wheel progressive seal.

The Seaming Principle:

After the empty cans pass the conveyor and separated by enter-in cans screw, it will enter the can supporting base driven by the drive plate. Then the base rise and move the can to the position of first switch valve and make the first exhaust. Then the base continues to rise and seam with the filling valve, and immediately close the airway tube. Then the exhaust switch is open and the second exhaust is made. The filling valve continues to spin and goes to the second position of opening valve. Then the filling valve is open and the liquid goes to the can until it is full.

Industry Category Machinery/Motor-Accessories/Other-Motor-Accessories
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Stock: 12
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