China The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing. - China Supplier
China The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing. - China Supplier China The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing. - China Supplier China The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing. - China Supplier China The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing. - China Supplier China The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing. - China Supplier

The air cylinder is made according to the design drawing.

Price:$50 /m
Industry Category: Automobiles-Motorcycles/Auto-Electrical-System/Auto-Meter
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"1: Scope of application: buses, excavators, loaders, etc.
2: The air storage cylinder is used to store the gas compressed by the air compressor (air pump) and used in the automobile braking system. The air cylinder has four functions: energy storage, filtration, pressure stabilization and temperature reduction. :"Customize products, calculate prices according to customer's design drawings, sales volume, etc.

Industry Category Automobiles-Motorcycles/Auto-Electrical-System/Auto-Meter
Product Category
Stock: 1000
Origin: China / Fujian / Xiamenshi
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