China Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery. - China Supplier
China Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery. - China Supplier China Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery. - China Supplier China Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery. - China Supplier China Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery. - China Supplier China Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery. - China Supplier

Pack large paper boxes and airplane boxes for express delivery.

Price:$10 /m
Industry Category: Packaging-Printing/Packaging-Bags
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Additional Information

Commonly used three-layer, five-layer, and seven-layer are less used. Each layer is divided into inner paper, corrugated paper, core paper, and facial paper. The inner and facial paper include tea board paper, kraft paper, and corrugated paper for core paper. The color and feel of all kinds of paper are different. This is a customizable product. Please contact customer service for specific quotation, material, size, etc. If you need any customized designs, please leave a message to customer service.

Industry Category Packaging-Printing/Packaging-Bags
Product Category
Stock: 1000
Origin: China / Fujian / Xiamenshi
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