China HDPE/PP spiral seamless winding tank machine to produce the tank - China Supplier
China HDPE/PP spiral seamless winding tank machine to produce the tank - China Supplier China HDPE/PP spiral seamless winding tank machine to produce the tank - China Supplier China HDPE/PP spiral seamless winding tank machine to produce the tank - China Supplier

HDPE/PP spiral seamless winding tank machine to produce the tank

Industry Category: Machinery/Machine-Tools/Bending-Machinery
Product Category:
Brand: HaiMing
Spec: HM-CR700

Contact Info
  • Add:138 South Road, Dashi Panyu, China and the United States Industrial Park, No. 30, Zip: 510300
  • Contact: Zhang Hai
  • Tel:86-020-34006819

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Product Description:
Our company supply machine to produce the HDPE/PP spiral seamless winding tankmachine to produce the tank. This technology ensures the tank strength and reliable. ltcan produce the tank with variety of wall thickness according the height, so it can savematerial and increase the efficiency. The bottom and top is welded by automatic welder toguarantee the reliable welding and without leakage.With unique seamless winding technology, the wall thickness can be more than 120mm.This technology guarantees that there is no tension in tank wall, since the tension iseliminated during the production.
With advanced automatic welding machine, the bottom and cover can be weldedautomatically. The welding seam is uniform and strong. lt avoids the disadvantage ofmanual welding.
Main feature:
Tank diameters: DN/ID 1000 mm up to DN/ID 4000 mmTank length. 7 m
Wall thickness: 120mm(Max)
Material: PP-HM, PP-B, PP-H, HDPE, PVDF
Output: 300-400kg/h
Application: chemical tank, storage tank

Industry Category Machinery/Machine-Tools/Bending-Machinery
Product Category
Brand: HaiMing
Spec: HM-CR700
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