China XFB06 precision number control compound twist line the machine - China Supplier
China XFB06 precision number control compound twist line the machine - China Supplier

XFB06 precision number control compound twist line the machine

Industry Category: Textiles-Leather-Products
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Contact Info
  • Add:Daau, Hengxi town, Yinzhou area, Ninbo city, Zip: 315138
  • Contact: Mr.Xu
  • Tel:+86-574-88460135 88460648 88460198

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Additional Information

XFB06 precision number control compound twist line the machine is our company to tally up several years experience development design, obsorbing an international advanced technique but developing of new compound twist line machine. Adopted a top and bottom spindle speed a computer to follow synchronously, assurance spindle speed error margin minimum; Adopted a single spindle a list roller to spread to move, make twist degree more nicety; Adopting eternal to rise dint device, making involution result better is the best model which products high-quality yarn.

This machine can turn 2 or 3 chemical fibre or synthetic fibre single silk through add twist and combine, reply that twist need when becoming silk, be applicable to high-quality sewing line and embroider the flower line, shoe line and box to wrap line extensively etc.

Main technical specification: Type Two-side two-fold apron belt dragon takes the involution

Spindle Numbers Upper fold 360, lower fold 180

Spindle Pitch 180mm

Number of Twisted Strands 2-3 strands

Twist Direction S, Z twists Z, S twists

Ring Within Diameter Φ115mm

Roll Load Capacity 1000g

Spindle Speed Range The most 7000r/min (The top tablet soon be become by change the control, limitlessly soon, the top and bottom tablet soon a computer to follow synchron ously, eternal to linear speed, eternal to rise dint)

Twist Degree Range 120-600t/m

Lift 260mm

Installed Capacity Main electrical engineering Y132M-4(B5) 7.5KW 1440r/min 1 set; Y132M-4(B5) 7.5KW 1440r/min 1 set; lift electrical engineering 2SB6Q-051F6 and stepping motor pitch of strand 12.8NM 1 set

Overall Dimensions 19088×1000×1750(mm)

Industry Category Textiles-Leather-Products
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