China Garlic extract - China Supplier
China Garlic extract - China Supplier

Garlic extract

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  • Add:2-D103, International Enterprise Center,No.188 Middle Huanbao Road, Yuhua District, Zip: 410013
  • Contact: Gene Li
  • Tel:86-731-88809323

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Additional Information

-Product Name: Garlic P.E.
-Product Code:HK120004
-Specification: Allicin 1%- 2% by HPLC
-Extract Ratio: 50:1
-Appearance: Yellowish powder


Garlic ranks as the most popular herbal cure-all worldwide. It may reduce blood cholesterol levels and the risk for heart disease. Medical studies of garlic have focused on its use to treat heart disease, cancer and infectious disease.

1. Detoxify the body It is said to stimulate the lymphatic system to throw off waste materials. This powerful natural detoxifier helps to strengthen blood vessels, providing protection against pollutants and heavy metal toxicity. It also works to cleanse the kidneys and increase urine flow.

2. For heart disease Garlic appears to help promote healthy heart function by maintaining normal blood pressure and blood lipid levels. Scientific studies reported in the German Commission E Monographs support the use of Garlic in lowering excessive serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

3. Anticoagulant Garlic is considered a powerful anticoagulant that normalizes blood platelet adhesion by reducing the stickiness of the blood and stimulating fibrinolysis, a process in which blood clots are dissolved. This action also helps to improve blood circulation and combat arteriosclerosis.

4. Antibiotic Garlic is called a powerful antibiotic that destroys harmful bacteria and leaves behind beneficial bacteria for the body to utilize as an infection fighter. Garlic has been thought to be beneficial in ridding the bowel of parasites. Moreover it is thought to enhance good digestion by increasing bile production and reducing stomach gases. Its antibacterial properties are also believed to relieve bladder infection, strep throat and vaginosis.

5. Antioxidant Garlic is considered to be an antioxidant that helps to promote healthy immune system function and inhibit destructive, free radical or oxidative damage to tissues or cells. Garlic includes germanium, a mineral that is said to strengthen the immune system and build the body's defense against harmful infectious invasion. It is believed to activate germ-eating macrophages, cells that are produced by the immune system, and it is thought that chemicals in Garlic reduce the production of toxic, free radicals in liver and lung tissue.

6. Antiviral and antifungal The activity of the parasitic fungus that is associated with AIDS is said to be inhibited by the presence of Garlic, and the growth of the yeast organism, Candida albicans, is also said to be reduced by Garlic. Applied directly to the ear canal, Garlic is a traditional remedy for earaches; it retards the growth of aspergillus and Candida, two fungi that sometimes cause ear inflammation

pharmaceutical, health food

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