China SOFRON - China Supplier
China SOFRON - China Supplier


Industry Category: Textiles-Leather-Products/Yarn
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Contact Info
  • Add:1435 Renmin Road (east), Shaoxing City, Zhengjiang Province,China, Zip: 312000
  • Contact:
  • Tel:0086-575-88756378

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Additional Information

SOFRON is an newly developed eco-friendly flame-retardant polyester yarn, fabrics made from it can obtain permanent FR ability. Its LOI is beyond 37%, and there will be less than 3 molten drop when on burning. Because the flame retardant constituent is equally connected to the macromolecular chain, fabrics made with this yarn can reduces its flammability and decreases the overspread speed of fire, without forming a big area of burning, after leaving from blaze, the fabric will self extinguish and block burning.
SOFRON has excellent fabric performance, it does not break off or separate out even under the dyeing condition of high temperature and high pressure, the hand touch and pattern of fabrics made with SOFRON are same as those of normal polyester yarn- retaining the softness hand touch. Besides, it is also eco-friendly, safe and reliable, it does not contain halogen element, but only contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and a few P element, so there is no suffocation poisonous when burning.

SOFRON can be used for normal garments, exposure suits, home decorations, bedding set and furniture, decorative cloth for automobile, tabernacle, theater curtains and chairs, plush toys etc.

Industry Category Textiles-Leather-Products/Yarn
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