Anhui Yuan Technology Limited
Anhui Yuan Technology Limited
Main Products:Enlarged Ear anatomical Model human organ teaching medical 4 Parts, Human Lymphatic System anatomy nerves anatomical medical training and teaching Model, European Style Life size human organ Heart anatomical Model medical use training teaching,
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Enlarged Ear anatomical Model human organ teaching medical 4 Parts
Office & School Supplies/Other Office & School SuppliesNegotiable
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Human Lymphatic System anatomy nerves anatomical medical training and teaching Model
Office & School Supplies/Other Office & School SuppliesNegotiable
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European Style Life size human organ Heart anatomical Model medical use training teaching
Office & School Supplies/Other Office & School SuppliesNegotiable
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Enlarged human organ Heart anatomical model 3 Parts medical training organ teaching
Office & School Supplies/Other Office & School SuppliesNegotiable
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Human Blood Circulation System heart blood vessel anatomical Model medical teaching and training
Office & School Supplies/Other Office & School SuppliesNegotiable
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Contact person: colin zhu
Phone:86-18021049222 / 86-1379534 4492
Email: colin@yuantech.de
Skype: bjnzhu
Website: www.ahyuantech.com
Company Description:
Yuan Technology Limited was established in 2016 in Tianchang City Anhui Province which is around 300kms away from Shanghai China.
Yuan specializes in the manufacturing and marketing of didactic material for sicentific, medical and patient education in the worldwide countries.
The brand name "YUAN" is represented in over 30 countries worldwide in the medical and educational sector. Achieving constantly growing sales,Yuan Technology is becoming one of worldwide leaders in the anatomy market today. The reasons for the steadily increasing success are:
The excellent quality of the products, manufactured by skilled and specially trained personnel.
The extremely competitive value of "YUAN" products.
The uncompromising flexibility of processing customer requirements.
That is what "3B" we adhere to for today: Best quality, Best value and Best service.
Yuan Techonoly Limied product line includes:
1) Artificial skeletons, torsos and human organ models
2) Animal models
3) Plant models
4) Diseased and promotional models
5) Medical skill training models
6) Specimen
7) Slides
The Quality:
All products development is carried out exclusivly in China with German quality standards. The outstanding quality standards upheld in every product which carried the brand name "YUAN" is guaranteed by permanent and uncompromising quality controls.
Yuan Technology Limited has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and CE.
Since 2017, Yuan Technology Limited has become the golden member of Worlddiac Association.
The Customers:
Yuan customers include universities, schools, minitries of health and education, other health and eductaional authorities, hospitals, practitioners, educational and medical distributors, students and the pharmaceutical industry.
We are sincerely looking forward to cooperating with all interested parties, and establishing long standing mutual business relationships. Your attention and detailed correspondences will be highly appreciated.