About Us
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Company Profile

Shenglong Electric was founded in 1979 and is a leading enterprise in the fields of smart grid and smart energy management. Committed to providing users with integrated industry solutions for smart energy system planning and design, intelligent transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing, power and energy internet engineering general contracting, and operation and maintenance services. Assist users in providing high power and stable levels of security, reliability, and intelligence in energy systems, providing high energy efficiency, and reducing carbon emissions. Shenglong Electric's business covers more than 50 countries worldwide, with offices in over 30 countries
Contact Information
- Address:
- Postcode:
- Telephone: 15902786919
- Emaill: - -
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com/China-Suppliers/12707-153130
- Contact Person:Liu Houcai
(Mobile Phone:) - Website: