China Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel - China Supplier
China Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel - China Supplier China Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel - China Supplier China Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel - China Supplier China Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel - China Supplier China Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel - China Supplier

Equipment for waste clay traetment, equipment to produce bone meal,animal fats,vegetable oil, biodiesel

Industry Category: General-Industrial-Equipment/Other-General-Industrial-Equipment
Product Category:
Brand: Tianyuan

Contact Info
  • Add:Muye region, Beihuan street, 24, Zip: 453000
  • Contact: Jibing
  • Tel:+861581005851

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Additional Information

" Xinxiang Tianyuan oil equipment Co.Ltd." was established in 2003 in China. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of equipment in China in the such areas as:

1. In the food industry: the line of equipment for the production of all kinds of the vegetable oil.

2. In the agriculture: the line of equipment for the production of animal fats, meat and bone meal, using the meat and the meat processing products or wastes.

3. Line of equipment to produce the biodiesel, using kitchen garbage and other wastes.

4. In the chemical industry: the line of equipment for processing used engine oil and tire oil to produce new engine oil.

5. All types of the tanks or pressure vessels for chemical plants.

6. Line of equipment for processing waste clay after refining the vegetable oil to produce biodiesel.

7. Oleic essential oil equipment: equipment for the separation of essential oil from palmitic acid; equipment for the distillation of butyric acid.

8. Other equipment.

The implementation of the mentioned projects in many area is supported by the government`s financial assistance.

We guarantee high quality of equipment and highly effective after-sales service. We provide a whole range of services, including designing the premises of the plant, designing and manufacturing equipment, as well as installation and adjustment of equipment, etc.

We also have permission to produce all kind of pressure vessels.

We have successfully supplied equipment to many area in the world, such as Russia, Ukraine, Indonesia, Taiwan, India, some african area, etc.

Additional information:

For information in English, please contact:

QQ (or wechat):315815542

Tel: +8615810058511 (WhatsApp)

Industry Category General-Industrial-Equipment/Other-General-Industrial-Equipment
Product Category
Brand: Tianyuan
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