About Us
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Company Profile

Shanghai million chemical LTD. was incorporated in Shanghai, China in early 2006. Since its establishment, million chemical has been focusing on the development and production of metal working fluids additives for 10 years. We focus on independent research and production instead of acting as an agent for foreign brands; We emphasize core competence instead of stockpiling products from the market to expand our product line. We advocate less but better. The label of million chemical is the manufacturer of domestic metal working fluids additives rather than a trader. Our quantity is less than one-tenth of that of our competitors. But our quality and price are highly competitive. Million is a veritable metal working fluids additive manufacturer.
Contact Information
- Address:
- Postcode:
- Telephone: +8618516066179
- Emaill: trading.a@millionchemical.com
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com/China-Suppliers/10058-143121
- Contact Person:Jerome
(Mobile Phone:) - Website:www.millionchemical.com