About Us
Contact Supplier
Company Profile

BASR Fine Chem, an ISO 9001 : 2000 company, a subsidiary of Saichem Inc, USA is located at Hyderabad, a pharmaceutical industrial capital of India.We have modern laboratories equipped with all the necessary analytical and other equipment to carry our complex organic synthesis leading to NMEs, pharmaceutical intermediates, building blocks and chiral molecules from gram to multi kg level. We excel in process optimization and new method development with R&D and Pilot Plant Scale Capabilities.
Contact Information
- Address:D-122,Phase-III, IDA Jeedimetla,Hyderabad-500 055 INDIA.
- Postcode:
- Telephone: +91-40-23090147, 23193878
- Emaill: basrtech@satyam.net.in
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com/China-Suppliers/1037-112137
- Contact Person:
(Mobile Phone:) - Website:www.basrtech.com