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Quaker State - China Supplier
Overview: Today Quaker State is a leading brand in the United States motor oil category, both in share and innovation. Quaker State products are specially formulated for a vehicle抯 engine, and are marketed in over 45 countries around the world. History: 昋uaker State Corporation was created in 1931 by a consolidation of 19 companies. 昈n December 30, 1998, Quaker State Corporation was merged with Pennzoil Company's marketing, manufacturing and fast oil change businesses to form Pennzoil-Quaker State Company, a worldwide leader in consumer automotive products and vehicle care. 昈n October 1, 2002, the acquisition of Pennzoil-Quaker State Company by Shell Oil Company, an affiliate of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies, was completed. In May of 2003, Pennzoil-Quaker State Company began doing business as SOPUS Products. Combining Shell lubricant's networks and infrastructure and Pennzoil-Quaker State Company's leading motor oil brands, portfolio of car care brands and Jiffy Lube stores, the new company is a leader in the U.S. lubricants and car care business. Products: 昋uaker State has a full line of motor oils include the following: 昋uaker State Peak Performance, a conventional motor oil 昋uaker State Higher Mileage Engine for engines with over 75,000 miles 昋uaker State 4x4 & SUV Synthetic Blend for harder working engines 昋uaker State High Horsepower Synthetic Blend 昋uaker State Advance Engine Full Synthetic 旳ll specialty oils, including synthetic blends and full synthetic, are uniquely packaged in a clear bottle. Other Quaker State consumer products include air and oil filters, grease, gear oil and a full line of automatic transmission fluids Facilities: 昐even proprietary blending and packaging plants produce Quaker State products; these facilities are located in Portland, OR; Los Angeles, CA; Galena Park, TX; Wood River, IL; Vicksburg, MS; Congo (Newell), WV; and Charleston, SC 昋uaker State products undergo testing and development at a state-of-the-art technology center and mechanical development facility located in Houston, TX 昑he Quaker State brand is located in Houston, Texas as part of Shell Oil Products, U.S. headquarters

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