About Us
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Company Profile

Mission of commitment:
Through teamwork and ingenuity we are dedicated to forming prosperous partnership of high quality to produce and deliver fine chemicals, organic and inorganic chemicals, all types of metal salts from virgin metals.
Production of Excellence:
Amichem Corporation production facility has been setup near Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India to produce world-class quality like Nickel Sulphate, Nickel Chloride, Nickel Sulphamate, Copper Sulphate, Cobalt Sulphate, and Cobalt Chloride etc. Our all products are confirming to international standards.
Benchmarking Quality:
To be globally competitive, we have in-house R & D and quality laboratories strict quality assurance is inherent in every step of our process from incoming row-material to shipment of finished product. You will find quality consistency from first to last letter of production.
Delivery with Deadline:
We take our responsibility to meeting deadline for delivery because we know that all of people are depending on you. In-house quality assurance department using latest industrial recognized technologies finally checks all outgoing finished products.
Customers Who Have Recognized Our Quality :
Today we are largest supplier of the products made from virgin metals. We acknowledge following customers who have trusted our quality and commitments.
Hindustan Lever Ltd.Grauer & Weil (India) Ltd.Artek Surfin Chemicals Ltd.Max AtotechMc Gean-Rohco Dinesh Ltd. We have also exported to Spain, Taiwan, Italy, France.
Applications For Unlimited Profit :
Our products have following applications :
Electroless Plating
Dyeing And Printing
Contact Information
- Address:Plot No.:2193-2195, Khatraj Road, Opp. Shah Steel, Santej-Kalol, Dist.: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
- Postcode:
- Telephone: +91-2764-286306
- Emaill: finechem@amichemcorp.com
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com/China-Suppliers/1059-112139
- Contact Person:
(Mobile Phone:) - Website:www.amichemcorp.com