About Us
Contact Supplier
Company Profile

Alta Laboratories Ltd. was founded by Late Dr. R. K. Dhote in the year 1946. Initially, we were manufacturing some patent drugs which attained considerable popularity and earned wide patronage of the medical world. In the 1950's we started manufacturing Sodium Salicylate, Salicylic Acid, and Aspirin.
Alta's success in manufacturing basic chemicals aroused the interest of M/s.Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., U.K. We entered into collaboration with M/s.Monsanto in the year 1959 which lasted till 1968. We are the pioneers in the manufacture of Salicylic Acid, its derivatives and Para Hydroxy Benzoic Acid and its Easters. The products manufactured by us are of high quality and are well received in the international Market.
Our clientele comprises of manufacturers of Pharmaceuticals, Agro chemicals, Perfumery chemicals, Rubber & Dyes etc.
Contact Information
- Address:Alta Bhavan,32,Senapati Bapat Marg,Dadar, Mumbai - 400 028.India
- Postcode:
- Telephone: +91-22-2430 7441,24367642, 24308443
- Emaill: altaind@vsnl.com
- Online Shop:https://www.toocle.com/China-Suppliers/1061-112139
- Contact Person:
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